Because I would do anything for a cookie ....
Sweetney is a mommy blogger. She posted pictures of her 4 year old daughter on Flickr. Violent Acres is a low-life. He (or she) altered these pictures in a sexually explicit way. It looks like Amalah is a friend of Sweetney's. I will continue to investigate because A) I am now curious and B) I want another cookie.
I really wanted that cookie. After a little further investigation, it appears that Violent Acres is not a pedophile, but just another crazy bitch. I think - after reading 3 blogs I was otherwise uninterested in - that she got pics of Sweetney's kid, photoshopped them and made fun of the kid's hair. At least that's what she said. And Sweetney was very hurt. And Amalah was very pissed off. I'm not a mommy. Maybe I don't get it.
On the other hand, if I were a mommy, I wouldn't have pictures of my kid on the internet. Period.
Oh. Good work Cap! :D
I had a hunch I saw the word mommyblogger somewhere, but I wasn't sure. Now that's some hot shit right there. Something to blog about...
You're absolutely right, no showing baby pictures for the public.
P.S: I'll have the cookies mailed to you through FedEx ;)
I'll be waiting for the cookies. Fed Ex is pretty reliable. Did the hooker ... uh ... hot chick ..ever get to your house? ;)
I had another stupid dream. When the fuzz cleared, I thought it would really make you laugh. So I posted it, just for you :)
That's why I chose FedEx over DHL ;)
Nope... and she probably won't. She lives in another State, far North :(.
Oh, let me check it out! You have the funniest dreams!
Now I want to find out what this is about ...
I saw that you are top of the page under the sweetney tag :)
If you promise you will courier my cookies to London I will defo will found out with my secret research :)
I don't have Cap's stamina cos I have started reading some of these blogs cos I want to know what you are on about but I never got the point.
Can you plz link through the pics?
I am a sicko but that is what I want to see ... can't be arsed to go through all of it.
@ Jay:
Where are you directing your sarcasm to? :-/
@ Ekawaaz:
Too late man :)), Cap already did the research. And only for a couple of cookies ;)
@ Liz:
Cap's first comment explains it all, but I'll walk you through it again. A mommy blogger named Sweetney has a blog where she usually posts pictures of her kid (I don't know if its a son or daughter). A friend of hers, Amalah, also does the same thing. This is where the Texan, the molested-as-a-child moron, the owner of 'Violent Acres' blog comes in. He/she is against mommy bloggers (for reasons no one know). So she takes a couple of pictures from these mommy bloggers' posts, digitally alters it and posts it on his/her blog (violent acres). Lets just say the digitally altered images aren't very pleasant. This causes outrage in the blogosphere, especially in the mommy bloggers community and blah blah blah.
And then, low lifes like me start blogging about the whole thing, doing post-mortem of the whole issue.
Oh ... see it is much better reading your blog then those others. :)
You got me going on the lonelygirl15 stuff as well.
I tried reading some of those other blogs but couldn't .... just couldn't
Thx Slim ... u r da best :)
Thanks Liz :D (even though I know I'm the best :giggle: ). I try my best to make the contents of the blog look good ;)