Monday, November 06, 2006
I've made a few changes in the layout. Go have a look around if you feel like :D. One obvious change is the removal of ads (I have Violent Acres phobia now. I don't want to get bashed for running ads and providing shit content :-S).Go have a look around for other major and minor changes. I would have implemented all these changes way back, if not for my college work. I'm hard pressed for time (and so the irregular posting), but from now on, I'm going to delay the college work and concentrate more on the blog (inspiration from Cap). Give me feedback on the changes, and report bugs, if you see any. More changes coming soon.
Oh, and whoever can list ALL the changes gets a cookie ;)
This layout feels like there is lots of free space everywhere, and I mean that in a positive sense.
The comment area is something that I would advise you to look more closely at. From you beautiful comment box, the system sent me to the traditional comment entry blogger screen.
Oh, I like the new look. Let's see ... you rolled up your archives and blogroll ... you changed the graphic/button thingie for firefox and changed the warning (and it works fine in IE and I'm too lazy to go find and download firefox). You changed the comments layout and added emoticons, which I love :laugh:
You changed some of your links around and added RSS feeds (I think that's what it's called. Damn, I need to start my IT classes soon!)
That's all I can see at the moment but you can keep the cookie. I'm on a diet. B-)
@ Ashish:
LOL! Yeah, I need to fill up the gaps, or reduce it. It is an eyesore for some people.
Hmm, that is an interesting idea to work on... publishing the comment without having to go to the Blogger comment screen. I don't know if its possible though. Will give it a look, I like challenges ;)
Thanks for dropping by and giving me feedback :D
@ Shmoolik:
Thanks man! :D
@ Cap:
You listed everything :laugh:. Good job!
And they are called feed aggregators. Different people use different aggregators to subscribe to feeds, and so the number of different aggregators there. Oh, thats okay, I'll give the cookie to the hottest of the 4 chicks ;)
good Job mate, so you know how to edit CSS and HTML or can make template in CSS? I really like the free space and bloody good job with comments box..I am jealous now:) :laugh:
Thanks man :D. Yeah, I know a bit of CSS. And HTML is CAKE! But now, the javascript I made for the smileys are fucking up again. Gotta see whats wrong this time :-<
Cap - shame on you for not getting Firefox ... it is real easy.
I like the smileys on the comment box but I don't see them when I read other peoples comments.
Can you get away from the Blogger comment site ... don't think so
You kept general airy feel of the blog, which I really like
Yeah, my smileys didn't come out right. Try Haloscan for the comment box.
@ Liz & Cap:
Yeah, but I've found out whats causing the problem :D. Just wondering how to fix it. Even I'm doubtful about avoiding the Blogger comment site, but there must be some way to circumvent it :D
Hmm, Haloscan... will check it out.
Yeah i like the free space and the comment box is good .. though i am not trying out the smileys .
Woo! The feedback has been good so far :D
Cap, I checked out Haloscan, they provide with a similar stuff like this plus trackback. I figured out what the problem is... One of Blogger's javascript is conflicting with mine, and thats why the smileys don't work. I'm still wondering how to fix this problem lol.
And oh about the ads .... I have adblock so I never saw the ads anyway :D
:-O You owe me atleast $ 10... Imagine all the money I would have lost because the ad wasn't displayed/clicked :tsk tsk: