HEY.. where did you find that? haha.. some people are just weird.. is there a diffrence between spitting and 'dont spit loudly'? :laugh
I do a lot of browsing, so I come across some weird shit like that :P. I don't even know what they're trying to say lol... Don't spit too loudly, or don't spit at all? :laugh:
yeah malaysians have this kind of funny stuff. haha.....thanks for dropping by my blog, it's a christmas gift for 'him'.
Hehe I know. My bro was in Malaysia for a couple of years :laugh:.
Hey, no problem! I love reading personal stuff, I get to know a lot about people and their thought process (and also I get to be nosey :P). Your blog is bookmarked :D
Hey, no problem! I love reading personal stuff, I get to know a lot about people and their thought process (and also I get to be nosey :P). Your blog is bookmarked :D
cool.. at least u admited that youre nosy.. haha... i have a friend who enjoys gossips and he's a guy.. ;)
Hehe, I don't talk shit beind people's back though. I do it in front of them :P. Gossiping is good as long as its about dumbass celebrities lol.
hey i've just noticed that not only that sign board has wrong english pronaunciation (wht evr spelling,i'm bad at spelling), but also bad bahasa pronaunciation.. anyhere, if translated to english it says, 'while spitting, dont make it too loud, thank you'... hmmm...
It's "pronunciation" :P. I think you were refering to bad translation and grammar.
Oh, so that means you CAN spit, but not too loudly. Hmm.
Oh, so that means you CAN spit, but not too loudly. Hmm.
It's "pronunciation" :P. I think you were refering to bad translation and grammar.
Oh, so that means you CAN spit, but not too loudly. Hmm.not too loudly. Hmm.
Oh, so that means you CAN spit, but not too loudly. Hmm.not too loudly. Hmm.
:laugh: i have problems in my spelling. no wonder i always get low marks in my essay.. yup, you can spit but not too loudly. hey, this artical won rm50 in one of the local newspaper few months back.. that's why i looked familiar
Oh, I thought spitting in public was banned in Malaysia and Singapore (actually I thought that was China from that script... no wonder the title). Dang it, I could do with a RM 50 right now :(
malaysia is not strict in this kind of stuff. haha.. singapore is very strict. they banned chewing gums. sign boards here cum in 3 translations. :think:
Oh, no wonder...
Three languages, haha. Just like India!
Three languages, haha. Just like India!
owh really? tamil, english and hindi rite?
India has shitloads of languages. So its Hindi (official national language), English and the official language of the State the sign board is in. Down here, its Tamil.
owh... over here bahasa malaysia is the national language, english is compulsary. mandrin... not really. but most malaysians can speak up to 5 or 6 languages. i can speak 4 not including local dialect. haha...
Yeah, I know... and I know 4 languages too ;)
. :P that's great.. i'm damn sleepy.. need to sleep...
Haha okay. I just realized we've been chatting all along! Okay, good night, see ya tomorrow.
yup... working morning shift 2moro.. nite2