Agreed he should not have lowered himself to the level of the hecklers. Yet, let's face it, they sounded like a group of uneducated, ill-mannered patrons. It is uncouthe to "heckle". If you are displeased with a performance, those with class simply leave. That's the proper protest -- was it not Martin Luther King himself who taught this form of Civil Disobedience?
I agree with you... a bit. Hecklers are annoying as fuck. But as a stand up comedian, he must have proper methods of handling them. But he just cracked up like a teenager LOL.
You can't expect class from hecklers. The main reason they're there is to ruin a show LOL.
Does not matter, at 36 I have come to the conclusion that the white race is just ignorant. I am from Canada you should hear the stupid comments from people. I am a South Indian, Fijian girl born in Canada. I get things like why is your hair curly Indian people don't have curly hair. "Are you fucken serious" there are more stupid comments from them that is just one. Don't get your ginch in a twist just know that they are not the most intelligent race. Ignorant that is all. ;)
Not all, but most are. I've come across them myself. But being 36, you should know stupid people come in all colors. Perfect example: Forrest Gump. There are black stupid people and Mexican stupid people, even in that movie LOL. Jokes apart, Americans do need a lesson in respecting people.
Why is okay for the hecklers to shout out racial slurs? I don't see the protest groups discussing their behavior. They should have been dealt with by the management of the club and thrown out period. Rude and nasty behavior should not be tolerated, period.
The hecklers thought they could behave however they wanted and becasue they were black it was allowed. Don't be afaraid to stand up for what's right , regardless of the idiots skin color. Are the hecklers not allowed to return to the cliubs as well, I seriously doubt it.
He is definitely gone. i am deeply disappointed with him. How rude and unmannered, for a stand up comedian to say such a thing to an audience, i can only imagine what he says behind close doors. He can shove is bloody apology up his ass. By the way, FUCKING MICHAEL RICHARDS, YOU SUCK.
He is definitely gone. i am deeply disappointed with him. How rude and unmannered, for a stand up comedian to say such a thing to an audience, i can only imagine what he says behind close doors. He can shove is bloody apology up his ass. By the way, FUCKING MICHAEL RICHARDS, YOU SUCK.
Two wrongd don't make a right. Michael richards comments totally displays the level of ignorance, illmanners and foolishness of this disgusting man. How rude, and for the fact that he did not even apologize before he went backstage, then later comes out to say he wasn't racist(omg)i hope you rot in hell with your other fellow racist bastards.
Two wrongs don't make a right. Michael richards comments totally displays the level of ignorance, illmanners and foolishness of this disgusting man. How rude, and for the fact that he did not even apologize before he went backstage, then later comes out to say he wasn't racist(omg)i hope you rot in hell with your other fellow racist bastards.
The anonymous South Indian who says the white race is ignorant is like saying that all South Indians from Fiji with curly hair are all ignorant. At 36, you should know better. Sounds to me like you might be a little ignorant yourself. "Ignorant" people are everywhere (maybe I'm one of 'em) and come in all shapes and colors. How about next time someone asks you about your "non-straight hair", you enlighten them about who you are and where you're from instead of keeping them in ignorance. Oh, but then they would lose a little of their ignorance, wouldn't they? How can we keep calling white people ignorant if we enlighten them? That would be no fun for you. I'm still surprised (at age 39) that people like you still exist. Calling an entire race ignorant is just plain, well, ignorant. PS: It's spelled "Fuckin', not "Fucken". Are you fuckin' ignorant? Kidding.
Woo, so many anonymous comments. Let me address them sequentially.
@ Anonymous 1 (after the 4th comment):
It is definitely not okay for hecklers to shout out reckless comments. But do they know that? If they did, they wouldn't heckle in the first place. Yes, the management should have dealt with them, but then they were black. And you know how it is with minority groups... they would have cried "RACIST!" if the management wanted to throw them out. I totally agree, in a democratic country, there is no skin color. Law applies to every moron equally. But thats not the case, is it?
There is fault in both the parties. Michael Richards should have known better in handling hecklers. There is atleast one in every stand up comedy show.
@ Anonymous 2:
Haha yes, the hecklers got the better of him. They say a mans true character is shown at times of an adversity. And we all saw what Michael Richards is made of. He got pwned by hecklers.
@ Anonymous 3:
"Rot in hell with your other fellow racist bastards" ROFLMAO! You're right, he was ignorant, because as a stand up comedian he wasn't expecting to get heckled. And when it happened he couldn't show the class of an expert stand up comedian in handling hecklers. PWNAGE!
@ Anonymous 4:
LOL! Chill out, ignorant people are everywhere. It just so happens the white race are in majority :P. And it seems to me you agree to that: "...enlighten them about who you are and where you're from instead of keeping them in ignorance. Oh, but then they would lose a little of their ignorance, wouldn't they? How can we keep calling white people ignorant if we enlighten them?"
LOL! JUST KIDDING! People need to stop making things complex, and keep it simple. I wish the NASA designs a spaceship big enough to accommodate all the morons in this planet, and send them to outer space. Doesn't matter where, just out of this planet.
@anonymous comment 104th :
Get a break ..
by nature of being .. humans we have to suffer from .. racial prejudice.
On the comment about me at 36 being ingnorant myself for my comment on the curly hair comment. Not ignorant, just kind of sick of all the silly comments from I am assuming your race. The person that made the comment was atleast fourty something. Happens all the time. I am just saying give it up people we rock we are taking over your fucken world and you don't like it. You call me racist, would not say racist at all. What if I said to the woman "I thought all white people were born with blue eyes and blonde hair" Sorry for pissing you off, love a good arguement though. Fucken, like spelling it that way. Love this one "You people are so thin" you people? ha maybe we just don't eat mac and cheese every night for dinner. How ignorant was that? Love to all every race
This was rather extreme but I have to say that at a normal Stand-up show ... hecklers ARE part of the show and I want to see it. And hence, I will not sit just in front of the stand up cos you are asking to get some attention.
Stand up should always be cooler then hecklers and Kramer didn't coupe with it.
Seen his sorry? if not ... it is here
@ 36 year old South Indian + Fijian girl born in Canada:
LOL! I agree stupidity pisses off non-stupid people. Happens to me all the time (though I'd like someone to vouch for me that I'm non-stupid, eh). But then again, we have to sympathize with people born with an empty head :laugh:
@ Liz:
That's exactly what I said...
Hahah, he looks silly in that apology video. Serves him right for not being professional in handling the hecklers.
Anonymous said...
Does not matter, at 36 I have come to the conclusion that the white race is just ignorant. I am from Canada you should hear the stupid comments from people. I am a South Indian, Fijian girl born in Canada. I get things like why is your hair curly Indian people don't have curly hair. "Are you fucken serious" there are more stupid comments from them that is just one. Don't get your ginch in a twist just know that they are not the most intelligent race. Ignorant that is all. ;)
Actually Balu I understand the point she is trying to get at. Alot of white people are more blatently racist then those of color. I'm saying this as a half caucasian. Some people do tend to act more ignorant and do say stupid things.
I believe in my country and anywhere the europeans colonized theres is this mental superiority complex with whtie people. I'm sure no one will admit to it or even think that way but it's still there. There is also an inferiority complex with certin ethnic groups who were mistreated by caucasians. There are still people who blame everything on caucasians and there are still people who follow sterotypes.
However there is a flip side to this. She said white people comment on her hair. Actually I've noticed alot of this in the african american community. Its come down to beign racist agains your own ethnicity.
I do blame europeans and early americans for starting this. All the conflicts we have now. The divisions or race and social groups. I also feel sometimes even unatentionally whites look down on other races and feel they have some superiority.
I just talked out of my ass and im ready for some oen to tear up my logic on the subject matter. I don't however agree with the philospohy caucasians are the most intelligent people and i dotn agreee they are the most ignorant. however i do believe they started this whole "Ooops you brown cantg talk to u cause your inferior" Bull shit
There is no superior race. There are white stupid people, black stupid people and brown stupid people. Forrest Gump is there to back up my that statement. Everyone has this feeling of superiority over everyone else deep inside them. Its completely human. This can probably be traced back to the apes. We're still to evolve out of it.
The human race is dominated by stupid and intolerant people. So there will be racial prejudice, like Jay said. You just have to live with it, OR try all you can to teach tolerance to the stupid bunch (which is a herculian task, I might add).
I do feel we are getting off the subject of what Kramer whatever his name is, did or said. He was mad and the truth about his true feelings came out. The thing is, is that the caucasion race always goes back to knockin us by our race. I don't let it bother me. Half the time I walk away and just shake my head. The hair thing was just an example let's get over it. Why do I challenge people on thier comments? If I don't, we will have another generation of idiotic people. I live in Vancouver, BC wow talk about mixed races everywhere here. I think that is why the white race feels threatened. There are so many of us everywhere here and doing well cause we work our asses off to get the nice things in life. Taking over thier cities countries let's look at our history, who took over who's country? It all goes back to deciet and I will say that the white man is decietful. I am not talking about my nieghbour, I am talking you as people. Maybe they are just playing dumb so it comes across as not being racist. I don't think there is a smarter race, there are smart and not so smart people in every race that is all it is. Now don't get your ginch in a twist, it is sad that even celebrities are proving to us they are ignorant. By the way could someone inform the Queen of England that she has some Jewels from the Taj Mahal in her Palace lol
We aren't getting off the subject. And the point I made about "Everyone has this feeling of superiority over everyone else deep inside them" can be seen in your comment.
Celebrities have always been ignorant and always will be. Ignorance is one of the qualifications for becoming a celebrity.
I don't think I am superior to anyone, I am confident. I am proud of who I am and my skin colour I stand as an individual that is all. I tell people that I am Indian they say you look tropical, like what a fucken coconut. I think people think we don't want to look like our heritage. I am happy being who I am. Maybe I can take Kramers spot now since he is off the stage. LOL!
Why do you care what they say? You know they're ignorant and like to show it off as if its some kind of God's gift or something. You know what I do when I come across a stupid person (irrespective of the race)? I let them know, very patiently, how stupid they are and how that is affecting me lol. Yeah, show them whites how ignorant they sound by acting like them on stage ;)
Act like them on stage, I would have to stand on stage with my mouth wide open going "ha I don't get it" I don't think anyone would get it. Then I would be heckled and have to get all defensive and mad lol.
You just have to call the audiences "nigger", "motherfucker", "towelhead", "sand nigger", "spic" etc. and act superior. And somewhere in between, you crack a medicore joke.
Balu I wasn't saying once race was more intelligent over the other yaar. To get to the point of kramer over race. There are alot of ways to deal with hecklers. Any professional comedian would tell you that. Calling them that.. obviously isn't the best way.
Rather then every one getting all faustrated and calling him a racist people should feel bad for his ignorance. a seasoned professional who was on one of the funniest sitcoms ever had to stoop to that level.
Look at how many racial slurs comedians do use. Richard Prior for example.. I don;t think yelling racist racist and going after the guy with the proverbial pitch forks and torches will solve anything. Every one is guilty, no matter what race of using that word.
Like I said in my previous paragraph if anything we should feel bad for him, that thats the level he had to go to. We all say things out of anger and faustration. From the previous post and I'm also guilty of this were blowing ti way out of proportion and turning it into a whole racial conflict.
Lets be serious: Yes, people of the caucasian race of done things to other ethnic groups in history. But you can't put that on every white person's back and tell them to carry that burden.
In my previous post I was crying to explain every race is at fault for being ignorant. You can't just blame caucasians on that one.
Actually just to tell that 36 yr old. Im half black, half white anbd I have extremely curly hair. I getmore compliments from white people [whom most of the time think I'm brazilian or of middle eastern decent] then their African American counterpart who have blatenly walked up to me, with out knowing me and telling me I need to "Fix that".
What I'm trying to say in that little off subject tangent is it's not just white people. It's all people. I good majority of the world's population sucks hairy donkey ass.